mardi 31 mai 2011

FatCat Records Podcast - John Zorn Mix 1

FatCat Records podcast - John Zorn Mix 1, un podcast conçu par John Zorn.

Le texte de John Zorn accompagnant le podcast :

"About 30 years ago Derek Bailey invited me on a Company tour of Britain. Evan Parker, Steve Lacy, Misha Mengelberg, George Lewis, Jamie Muir, Derek and I traveled by van for 3 weeks from Brighton to Edinburgh. George Lewis (then as now always ahead of the pack) brought a walkman. The walkman changed everything. Being able to choose your own playlist and listen to it privately made traveling so much easier. The process of making a personalized "playlist" was laborious, and days were spent making mix tapes (music romances) that compiled music from all over the map. 12-16 tracks usually fit on one side of a cassette so 32 LPs/CDs were chosen from a collection and one track from each was loaded in careful sequence—the wilder the juxtaposition the better. The sequence was crucial and I learned a LOT from making these tapes. Everything you do touches your creativity and there is little doubt that these tapes informed a lot of my own composing, from the file card pieces like Spillane (long form composition as mix tape), the compositions and repertory of Naked City (band as mix tape), the Music Romance series on Tzadik (cd as mix tape) to even perhaps the more recent Masada Marathons (concert as mix tape). Today this method of listening to music is becoming more and more prominent via the iPod shuffle—but there still is nothing quite like a personalized and carefully sequenced "Music Romance." The music chosen here comes entirely from my laptop's library and contains pieces that inspire me, tracks that comfort me, music you may not be aware of and some rarities few people have heard. Please enjoy."


lundi 30 mai 2011

Photos - John Zorn , Bowery Poetry Club, May 29, 2011


Galerie de photos de John Zorn, en compagnie de Louie Belogenis, Shanir Blumenkranz et Michael Wimberley, au Bowery Poetry Club lors d'une soirée pour les 20 ans de la Downtown Music Gallery le 29 mai :

vendredi 27 mai 2011

Moonchild - December 3rd 2006 - Teatro Manzoni - Milano, Italy (Full Show)


Une heure de concert de Moonchild (ça commence vraiment à 1:10).


mardi 24 mai 2011

John Zorn's Naked City - Live in NY - April 9th 1992 (full show)


Vidéo du concert donné par Naked City au Marquee Club de New York en avril 1992. Concert complet, 2 heures 30.


lundi 16 mai 2011

Marc Urselli - Dreamers et Mike Patton


Marc Urselli, ingénieur du son du studio new yorkais EastSide Sound, où enregistre John Zorn, parle de l'enregistrement du prochain Dreamers, Christmas, avec Mike Patton :

A few weeks ago I did a session with one of the greatest singers of our time — Mike Patton — for an upcoming Christmas record by John Zorn. We recorded a version of “The Christmas Song” and Mike’s first take was just gold! I thought about how refreshing it was not to have to even think about opening the Auto-Tune plugin.

Source : Marc Urselli Sounds OFF: Who Killed the Electric Singer?

mardi 10 mai 2011

Tzadik Radical Jewish Culture Festival


Tzadik organise un festival Radical Jewisj Culture, avec en particulier un concert Masada Guitars avec Yoshie Fruchter, Eyal Maoz et Jon Madof.
Page du festival sur Facebook

lundi 9 mai 2011

John Zorn's Masada at NYC Opera


Le quartet Masada sur la scène de l'Opéra de New York à l'occasion de Masada Marathon du mois de mars.


samedi 7 mai 2011

John Zorn's Naked City - Strange Cargo - April 9, 1992 - Marquee Club, NYC


Ça semble nouveau sur le web, Naked City en 1992 au Marquee Club.


vendredi 6 mai 2011

John zorn's cobra Live @La mama-Shibuya, Tokyo


Performance de Cobra, avec Koichi Makigami comme prompter, à Shibuya La Mama, Tokyo.


Entrevue avec Cyro Baptista à propos de Caym


Entrevue (en anglais) de Cyro Baptista à propos de de Caym, 17e volume du Book of Angels et de sa relation avec John Zorn.
Cyro Baptista: Caym and Abel, Shapes and Sharps

mardi 3 mai 2011



Annonce du prochain opus de John Zorn, Enigmata, duo guitare-basse, avec Marc Ribot et Trevor Dunn, sur le site de Tzadik :

John Zorn: Enigmata [#7391]

Twelve bizarre compositional miniatures for the blazing duo of Marc Ribot and Trevor Dunn combining classical 12-tone lyricism with rock intensity and improvisational madness. Jumping from composition to improvisation so seamlessly that it is often impossible to tell what is what, this is some of the craziest music he has ever created. An amazing CD of instrumental madness: Captain Beefheart’s Magic Band meets Arnold Schoenberg!