mardi 31 mai 2011

FatCat Records Podcast - John Zorn Mix 1

FatCat Records podcast - John Zorn Mix 1, un podcast conçu par John Zorn.

Le texte de John Zorn accompagnant le podcast :

"About 30 years ago Derek Bailey invited me on a Company tour of Britain. Evan Parker, Steve Lacy, Misha Mengelberg, George Lewis, Jamie Muir, Derek and I traveled by van for 3 weeks from Brighton to Edinburgh. George Lewis (then as now always ahead of the pack) brought a walkman. The walkman changed everything. Being able to choose your own playlist and listen to it privately made traveling so much easier. The process of making a personalized "playlist" was laborious, and days were spent making mix tapes (music romances) that compiled music from all over the map. 12-16 tracks usually fit on one side of a cassette so 32 LPs/CDs were chosen from a collection and one track from each was loaded in careful sequence—the wilder the juxtaposition the better. The sequence was crucial and I learned a LOT from making these tapes. Everything you do touches your creativity and there is little doubt that these tapes informed a lot of my own composing, from the file card pieces like Spillane (long form composition as mix tape), the compositions and repertory of Naked City (band as mix tape), the Music Romance series on Tzadik (cd as mix tape) to even perhaps the more recent Masada Marathons (concert as mix tape). Today this method of listening to music is becoming more and more prominent via the iPod shuffle—but there still is nothing quite like a personalized and carefully sequenced "Music Romance." The music chosen here comes entirely from my laptop's library and contains pieces that inspire me, tracks that comfort me, music you may not be aware of and some rarities few people have heard. Please enjoy."


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