mercredi 24 novembre 2021

En vrac (123)


Photos :
- Zorn en studio avec Frisell, Marsella, Medeski, Wollesen.
- Le cd New Masada Quartet, avec un texte de Jorge Roeder.
- Pochettes des volumes 5 à 8 des Bagatelles.
John Zorn et Zoh Amba en studio.
- Edition du 2e coffret des Bagatelles signée par John Zorn.

Vidéos :
- Marc Urselli fait visiter le studio où enregistre John Zorn.
Batman par le National Youth Orchestra dirigé par Sam Eastmond.

Audio :
- John Zorn, Laurie Anderson, Laura Cromwell, Jazz Middelheim, 14 août 2021.

Texte :
- Texte de Bruce Lee Gallanter (DMG) sur Masada à l'occasion de la sortie de cd du New Masada Quartet.

Chroniques de disques :
- John Zorn, Heaven and Earth Magick (
Cartoon / S&M (Forces parallèles).

Site consacré aux Bagatelles.

Pochette - The Cleansing


A paraître en janvier : John Zorn / Bill Laswell, The Cleansing.

jeudi 4 novembre 2021

Parution de janvier - John Zorn-Bill Laswell: The Cleansing


A paraître en janvier : 

John Zorn-Bill Laswell: The Cleansing [#4037]

Zorn and Laswell have been friends and musical compatriots since they first met in 1978, and have been responsible for some of the most intense and memorable music in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Recorded in early 2021, near the end of the year’s pandemic lockdown, it marks the first time Zorn had touched the saxophone in over fifteen months. Laswell had spent most of the year locked in his apartment. Something special was happening that day—and after the session Laswell felt rejuvenated—as if all the toxins and poisons had left his body. Soulful and essential, The Cleansing is an historic meeting—and the first recorded duo project by these two Downtown magicians.
(January 2022)