mardi 20 octobre 2020

Parution de novembre - The Turner Studies

A paraître en décembre : 

John Zorn: The Turner Studies [#8376]

An epic suite of short pieces for solo piano inspired by the later sketches of the great English painter J.M.W. Turner. Subtitled Images and Impressions for Piano this expansive suite includes a variety of styles and forms including études, preludes, color studies, seascapes, moonscapes, nocturnes and impromptus. One of Zorn’s longest compositions, this major new work for solo piano is brilliantly performed by Stephen Gosling, a long time Zorn specialist and one of the best new music pianists in the world. Drawing inspiration from Ligeti, Scriabin, Bach, Glass, Busoni, Debussy, Bartók, Berio, Feldman, Xenakis, Cecil Taylor, Schoenberg and more, this is one of the most stylistically diverse piano suites ever written.
(Release date: December 2020)

dimanche 4 octobre 2020

En vrac (112)


Photos :
- John Zorn en studio fait semblant de jouer de la guitare.
- John Zorn en studio.
- John Zorn en studio

Chroniques de disques :
- Cobra : Tokyo Operations '94 (Forces parallèles).
- John Zorn , The Book of Heads(Forces parallèeles).

Audio :
- John Zorn, prospective sur l'art du trio, Open Jazz du 21 septembre su France Musique.

- Un livre en espagnol sur Zorn.
- Enregistrement d'un album du Gnostic Trio avec John Medeski.

vendredi 2 octobre 2020