D'après ce qu'on peut lire sur la page Facebook de l'ingénieur du son
Marc Urselli, le prochain Moonchild sera joué par le trio de base (Mike Patton, Trevor Dunn et Joey Baron) avec John Medeski.
Marc Urselli :
Second day in the studio mixing John Zorn music... Mike Patton, John Medeski and Trevor Dunn sounding astonishingly powerful! Zorn rocks!!!
wow long day in the studio... 12 hours later this Zorn record is a life-changing experience... Patton, Baron, Dunn & Medeski killed it!
There's no definite mention that it's going to be a Moonchild+Medeski release. Have you heard some news along this line?
You're right, it's a guess. But Heung-Heung Chin said on Twitter that a Moonchild album was to be recorded in December. Marc Urselli talked about the recording of music with Mike Patton on a Zorn project, and he is now mixing music by Patton, Dunn, Baron and Medeski.