vendredi 9 avril 2010

More News for Lulu - Réédition

La réédition de More News for Lulu (John Zorn : sax - George Lewis : trombone -Bill Frisell : guitare) est parue chez Hat Hut Records.

In 1987 John Zorn, George Lewis, and Bill Frisell were all members of New York’s thriving, conceptually-minded downtown scene. They approached the Blue Note material with a considered artistic agenda — to test its capacity for tolerance of outside techniques, and to critique bop’s ethos of individuality, which required many of its practitioners to trade a life of penury and exploitation for the chance to attain individual expression on the bandstand. — Bill Meyer (Hat Hut).

This is the second of two CDs featuring the unusual trio of altoist John Zorn, trombonist George Lewis, and guitarist Bill Frisell. The first album was recorded in studio, but this one is live in concert, and is even freer! There are renditions of hard bop oriented pieces by Sonny Clark, Hank Mobley, Big John Patton, Kenny Dorham, and Freddie Redd, in addition to one selection from Misha Mengelberg. The music swings in its own fashion and, although it tugs at the boundaries of the bop tradition, it mostly stays within its borders. Bill Frisell, operating as the entire rhythm section, is a wonder as usual. Recommended, as is the first volume News for Lulu. - Scott Yanow, AMG (Downtown Music Gallery).

2 commentaires:

  1. Salut,
    J'ai déjà l'album original, la réédition apporte t elle quelque chose ?
    Sur la réédition de News for Lulu, il y avait des inédits et le remastering était trés bon

  2. D'après ce que je peux voir sur internet, il n'y a pas de bonus pour ce CD. Quant au remastering, j'imagine que c'est comme pour le premier.
